Worship Guide
Current Bulletins:
Bulletin Archives:
Sunday, February 2nd: Fourth Sunday After Epiphany
Sunday January 26th: Third Sunday After Epiphany | 3+ Children’s Bulletin 1 Cor. 12 12-31 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin 1 Cor 12 12-31
Sunday, January 19th: Second Sunday After Epiphany
Sunday, January 12th: First Sunday After Epiphany Worship | 3+ Bulletin Luke 3 15-17, 21-22 | 7+ Bulletin Luke 3 15-17, 21-22
Sunday, January 5th: Second Sunday After Christmas
Sunday, December 29th: First Sunday After Christmas
Sunday, December 24th: Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 22nd: Fourth Sunday of Advent – Love | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Luke 1 39-45 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Luke 1 39-45
Sunday, December 15th: Third Sunday of Advent – Joy
Sunday, December 8th: Second Sunday of Advent – Peace
Sunday, December 1st: First Sunday of Advent | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Luke 21 25-36 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Luke 21 25-36
Sunday, November 24th: Last Sunday After Pentecost
Sunday, November 17th: Twenty Sixth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Bulletin Matthew 14 22-33 |7+ Bulletin Matthew 14 22-33
Sunday, November 10th: Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost | 3+ Bulletin Mark 12 38-44 | 7+ Bulletin Mark 12 38-44
Sunday, November 3rd: All Saints Day – Totenfest | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Ephesians 1 15-23 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Ephesians 1 15-23
Sunday, October 27th: Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Bulletin Mark 10 35-45 | 7+ Bulletin Mark 10 35-45
Sunday, October 20th: Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Eph. 5 8-14 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Eph. 5 8-14
Sunday, October 13th: Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost | 3 + Bulletin Mark 10 17-31 | 7+ Bulletin Mark 10 17-31
Sunday, October 6th: Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Genesis 1 1-31 2 1-4 | 7+ Genesis 1 1-31 2 1-4
Sunday, Sept. 29th: Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Esther | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Esther
Sunday, Sept. 22nd: Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin 2 Timothy 1 1-14 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin 2 Timothy 1 1-14
Sunday, Sept. 22nd: Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin 2 Timothy 1 1-14 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin 2 Timothy 1 1-14
Sunday, September 15th: Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin 2 Cor. 9 6-15 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin 2 Cor. 9 6-15
Sunday, September 8th: Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Matt. 5:1-12 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Matt. 5:1-12
Sunday, September 1st: Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 7 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 7
Sunday, August 25th: Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Eph. 6 10-20 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Eph. 6 10-20
Sunday, August 18th: Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 148 1-14 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 148 1-14
Sunday, August 11th: Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Eph 4 25-32 5 1-2 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Eph 4 25-32 5 1-2
Sunday, August 4th: Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Prov 8 1-4 22-31| 7+ Children’s Bulletin Prov 8 1-4 22-31
Sunday, July 28th: Tenth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin John 6 1-21 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin John 6 1-21
Sunday, July 21st: Ninth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 6 30-34 53-56 | 7+ Childrens’ Bulletin Mark 6 30-34 53-56
Sunday, July 21st: Ninth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 6 30-34 53-56 | 7+ Childrens’ Bulletin Mark 6 30-34 53-56
Sunday, July 14th: Eighth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 24 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 24
Sunday, July 7th: Seventh Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Matthew 25 31-46 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Matthew 25 31-46
Sunday, July 7th: Seventh Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Matthew 25 31-46 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Matthew 25 31-46
Sunday, June 30th: Sixth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Acts 16 16-34 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Acts 16 16-34
Sunday, June 23rd: Fifth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 133 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 133
Sunday, June 16th: Fourth Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 4 26-34 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 4 26-34
Sunday, June 9th: Third Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin 1 Samuel 8 4-20 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin 1 Samuel 8 4-20
Sunday, June 2nd: Second Sunday After Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 66 1-20 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 66 1-20
Sunday, May 26th: Memorial Day | 3+ Children’s Bulletin John 15 9-17 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin John 15 9-17
Sunday, May 19th: Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Acts 2 1-11 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Acts 2 1-11
Sunday, May 19th: Pentecost | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Acts 2 1-11 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Acts 2 1-11
Sunday, May 12th: Seventh Sunday of Easter | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Isaiah 66 10-14 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Isaiah 66 10-16
Sunday, May 5th: Sixth Sunday of Easter | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Luke 7 1-10 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Luke 7 1-10
Sunday, April 28th: Fifth Sunday of Easter | 3+ Children’s Bulletin John 15 1-8 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin John 15 1-8
Sunday, April 21st: Fourth Sunday of Easter | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 23 1-6 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 23 1-6
Sunday, April 14th: Third Sunday of Easter | 3+Children’s Bulletin Luke 24 36-48 | 7+Children’s Bulletin Luke 24 36-48
Sunday, April 7th: Second Sunday of Easter | 3+ Children’s Bulletin John 20 10-31 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin John 20 10-31
Sunday, March 31st: Easter Sunday | 3+ Children’s Bulletin John 20 1-18 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin John 20 1-18
Sunday, March 24th: Palm Sunday | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 11 1-11 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 11 1-11
Sunday, March 17th: Fifth Sunday of Lent | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 51 1-12 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Psalm 51 1-12
Sunday, March 10th: Fourth Sunday of Lent | 3+ Children’s Bulletin John 3 14-21 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin John 3 14-21
Sunday, March 3rd: Third Sunday of Lent | 3+ Children’s Bulletin John 2 13-22 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin John 2 13-22
Sunday, February 25th: Second Sunday of Lent | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 8 31-38 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 8 31-38
Sunday, February 18th: First Sunday of Lent | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 1 9-15 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 1 9-15
Sunday, February 11th: Transfiguration Sunday | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 9 -8 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 9 -8
Sunday, January 28th: Fifth Sunday of Epiphany | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 1 29-39 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 1 29-39
Sunday, January 21st: Fourth Sunday of Epiphany | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Matthew 5 13-16 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Matthew 5 13-16
Sunday, January 21st: Fourth Sunday of Epiphany | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Matthew 5 13-16 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Matthew 5 13-16
Sunday, January 14th: Third Sunday After Epiphany | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Jonah 3 1-5 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Jonah 3 1-5
Sunday, January 14th: Second Sunday of Epiphany | 3+ Children’s Bulletin John 1 43-51 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin John 1 43-51
Sunday, January 7th: First Sunday After Epiphany | 3+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 1 4-11 | 7+ Children’s Bulletin Mark 1 4-11