Get Ready for VBS!
We are ready to dive into Vacation Bible School for Kindergarten through 12th grade. We will be sharing God’s word for three evenings. Our theme is SCUBA – diving into friendship with God. The dates are Monday-Wednesday June 17-19 from 6:30 to 8. We are excited to partner with Christ’s Reformed UCC. We are looking for volunteers: crew leaders (chaperones), station leaders (craft, games, snacks, and Bible storytelling), registration workers, and other volunteers. Our goal is reaching 50 children and 15 middle and high schoolers! It will be FUN and rewarding!
Parents – register for VBS here.

Parents – register for VBS here.
Tuesday’s Supper & 1-Stop Shop
Every Tuesday from 5-6:30pm in the lower-level of church. Free dine-in dinners for ALL and the 1-Stop Shop Food Pantry. Lower-level entrance located in rear of building via Suter Avenue.
Wednesday Potluck & Study
Join us Wednesdays at 6pm in the chapel to enjoy a potluck meal (bring what you like) and discuss gratitude.

Micah’s Backpack Monthly Collection
Help us “fill the truck” for our Micah’s Backpack program by donating the requested item for each month to fill the truck for Micah’s Backpacks which help feed neighborhood children over the weekend. Any and all donations
are greatly appreciated! Give online here, select “Micah’s Backpack” as the fund.
Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
Complete this form to submit your prayer concerns or celebrations to Pastor Scott.